I wish there was an multiplayer mode, and that there was damage. Also when it said trails I though it meant like dirt roads through mud dirt water and stuff like that, but actually there are no trails.please update soon
I wish there was an multiplayer mode, and that there was damage. Also when it said trails I though it meant like dirt roads through mud dirt water and stuff like that, but actually there are no trails.please update soon
I love this game but they need to add snorkel for wild boar!!!!
I love the game and the new vehicles but the snorkels do not work on the rhino and sidewinder?
Really good game.....The only thing that should be fix is the steering when you are playing it moves and it gets annoying......
Bad controls and small UI and bad graphics
Its the game Ive been looking for for years But you need to add mud and water trees and Working winches
Nice to find a open world driving game where you can tinker with vehicles. Please update with engine sounds instead of the annoying song that repeats over and over and over and...over.
Has good potential, but I find the steering controls very frustrating. When trying to steer right if you go to far it will cause you to steer full left. When fixed I will give a better star rating.
The controls are very frustrating they dont work very well and if that would be fixed I would keep it but at the state it is its a WASTE OF MONEY
Terrible steering, can only turn left, dont waste your money on this unless you like going around in circles, what a shame could of been good
Please fix the steering. I have tried on 2 different iPhones with different iOS versions, and 3 iPads, and can only steer left regardless which way I turn the wheel. This ruins what would otherwise be the best off-road game from the App Store. Fix this and Ill have a 5 star review for the next update.
Love the way the game is heading but Id like a list of things : mud, truck sounds , more trucks there are like five jeeps, Id also like specifically a trophy truck or just like Chevy/ford/ram models that we can turn into mud trucks and drive through a map with just a huge mud hole in it that only tall trucks can go through. None the less the game is good just will get boring pretty quick when you have to grind for hours for two more doors on a jeep
Title says it all. Please add this update!
Love the game would love to buy some cars on it
Last update I lost every single upgrade I worked for. No help from the developer with adding a restore to this update. Now in this update, I cant turn this crap music off without turning off all sound effects... It used to be a good game. The steering is very sensitive and makes the game very difficult to play. On a side note, after I wrote my previous one star review the developer contacted me and stated the issues will be addressed.
This game is okay but the suspension acts like it is independent when the truck obviously has a solid axle.
This is a great fun game and I enjoy how many trucks and customizations there are available. Only thing is that there is some glitchy rocks, and of course I would love to have a lot more vehicles and customizations, but other than that fun game!
Unlimited money would complete this game and add a truck like from monster jam and add a 2015 Dodge Challenger hellcat from furious 7 and a 2015 Ford F-250 and f-150 and a 2015 corvette stingray
Please take out the music and put the engine noises back in!!
I know its a free roam game, but there isnt much terrain. The rocks that are in the game are to big to play on, and when you get your tire on them your vehicle flips and glitches.